Groomer's Goop (美國)

Groomer's Goop [203] Snow White 酷雪 護毛素 16oz (紫標)

型號: 41251002030
存貨狀態: 2-3 Days
HK$ 130.00


More details
關鍵字 美容:毛髮順滑 美容:潔白

Groomer’s Goop White Toning Conditioner is the perfect conditioner to clean the coat of your pet back to its natural color. With a special enriched formula of lanolin, glycerin, vitamin E, and aloe vera proven to treat and improve the condition of your pet’s skin. Groomer’s Goop is specially designed to remove the most difficult stains and is proven to whiten yellowing areas, deal with stud tail, ear wax, tar from the beach, sap from trees, and excessive grease and oil on the coat. Groomer’s Goop will leave your companions coat clean, beautiful, and full of body and grease free. This conditioner brings a shine to your pet’s coat like never before!

  • Enriched formula with lanolin, glycerin, vitamin E, and aloe vera
  • Perfect for whitening your pet’s coat and bringing it back to its natural color.
  • Works on both cats and dogs

Groomer's Goop White Toning 護髮素是完美的護髮素,可將寵物的皮毛清潔回自然色。含有羊毛脂、甘油、維生素 E 和蘆薈的特殊濃縮配方,經證明可以治療和改善寵物的皮膚狀況。Groomer's Goop 專為去除最難去除的污漬而設計,經證明可以美白泛黃區域,處理種馬尾巴、耳垢、海灘焦油、樹液以及皮毛上過多的油脂。Groomer's Goop 會讓您的同伴的外套乾淨、漂亮、豐滿且無油脂。這款護髮素可為您的寵物的皮毛帶來前所未有的光澤!

  • 富含羊毛脂、甘油、維生素 E 和蘆薈的配方
  • 非常適合美白寵物的皮毛並使其恢復自然色。
  • 適用於貓和狗
